
Hi, everyone! It is just so great to have this space where we can share more about what is happening “behind the scenes” on the MPC journey. So please, keep following us on all our social media outlets and our blog to catch up with what we are doing and to keep updated on the status of our projects.

 For those of you that don’t know who we are:

The Media & Pol­icy Cen­ter of California is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit orga­ni­za­tion and media production company dedicated to creating multiplatform media that builds community and addresses issues of social justice founded in 2003 by pro­duc­ers Harry Wiland and Dale Bell, whose indi­vid­ual projects have won an Acad­emy Award, five Emmys, one Peabody, two Christo­phers, two Cine Golden Eagles, among numer­ous other acco­lades. Our media, pro­duced for PBS, net­work tele­vi­sion, cable, cin­e­mas, and the web reflects Harry and Dale’s philosophy:“We formed MPC to apply our tal­ents and expe­ri­ence to issues of social wel­fare, pub­lic pol­icy, edu­ca­tion, the envi­ron­ment, and health care. MPC’s pri­mary goal is to inform, chal­lenge, and ulti­mately engage a respon­sive cit­i­zenry and to encour­age full and mean­ing­ful debate and par­tic­i­pa­tion across the polit­i­cal, social, and eco­nomic spectrum. “

Feel free to subscribe to the mailing list for more information, and stay tuned!

Much love,

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